Now Blogging: Mario Rodriguez, PM, Team Foundation Version Control

Mario Rodriguez, program manager for Team Foundation Version Control, started his blog today. Mario is filling the big shoes left by Doug Neumann, who was the PM for v1 and is now Mario's boss. If you want to know what's happening with Team Foundation Version Control, be sure to add his RSS (Mario Rodriguez RSS) to your reader alongside Buck Hodges.

It has been over a year since I started with the Team Foundation Server team in Raleigh, North Carolina but just now I decided to start blogging. I know, I am a bit late, and I know several of you have told me repeatedly to do this so I can share some of that much needed knowledge, so to you I say : here is the start for what is to be a long relationship

From: TFS Version Control

Like Mario, I used to include a quote in my early posts, but fell out of the habit of doing so. Good luck with that.


Tags: tfs | team foundation server | vsts | team system