Your One-Stop Shop for Team System Architecture

Visual Studio's Team System for Architects piece is great stuff.  As the first deliverable of Microsoft's Dynamic Systems Initiative, it lets architects visualize and validate their distributed architectures.  At its core are 3 types of diagrams:

Application Diagrams describe your distributed system's architecture at a high level (including communication interfaces, right down to the WSDL if you're so inclined).

Logical Datacenter Diagrams describe systems of interconnected logical servers that represent the logical structure of a datacenter.

Deployment Diagrams map Application Diagrams onto Logical Datacenter Diagrams, visualizing and validating how your architecture will deploy into a datacenter.

Bill Gibson is a member of the Team Architect crew who has been posting a series of interesting articles about Visual Studio Team Architect, such as this article on top-down design using the tools, and another (which I have been curious about) on Application Designer's support for web services defined on interfaces.

(I also love his take on the "Devarchitect" persona, which is certainly the role I played in my pre-Microsoft project.  I'd say a lot of dev leads in smallish teams wear this particular hat.)

Another great resource for Team Architect is this How Do I in Team Edition for Architects page on MSDN.