SCREENCAST: Improving perceived WPF app startup performance with MEF and a Splash Screen

NOTE: This was cross posted from here .

I’ve been meaning to record this screencast for a LONG time. Well, I have a presentation on MEF tomorrow. I was originally planning on demonstrating this sample, but realized that I won’t have enough time. However, I needed to be able to point the audience to an explanation of this sample as a follow on. Nothing like a forcing function to get you to do something you’ve been planning on for ages;)!

In this screencast, I highlight some tips and tricks for improving perceived startup performance of Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) applications using the Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF) and a Splash Screen.  The walkthrough focuses on using the .NET Framework 4.0.  However, MEF is available for WPF 3.5 SP1 as well at

Direct link to Ch. 9 post:

Sample download:
