FOLLOW UP: DevDinner – Silverlight 4, WCF RIA Services, MVVM

NOTE: This was cross posted from here .

Ok, this is a first!  I have always had good intentions of getting the follow up material for a developer dinner out before the dinner started.  However, my schedule inevitably has gotten in the way.  I can finally say MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.  Here are the decks and sample downloads:

Silverlight 4 Deck

WCF RIA Services Deck

SketchFlow & MVVM Deck

MVVM Sample App

WCF RIA Services + ViewModel Sample App

NOTE: The WCF RIA Services + ViewModel Sample App uses the MVVM approach from  Brad Abram’s code was written using an older version of WCF RIA Services.  There were a few breaking changes in the November release.  I went ahead and ported the MVVM and Unit Testing helpers to work with the November release of WCF RIA Services.  In the sample, Views\Home.xaml does not use MVVM.  It uses DomainDataSource embedded in the XAML.  Views\MvvmHome.xaml implements the same scenario, but using the MVVM approach Brad describes in the link above.
