Microsoft Enterprise Service Bus (SOA) Guidance for BizTalk Server 2006 R2

The Patterns and Practices group in Microsoft has just released guidance around setting up Microsoft BizTalk Server 2006 R2 in a Service Oriented Infrastructure.


From the article:

The Microsoft ESB Guidance is intended for developers working with Microsoft BizTalk Server 2006 and who build solutions that leverage the Service Oriented Architecture pattern. To take full advantage of the Microsoft ESB Guidance, developers should possess knowledge and experience working with the following:

  • Microsoft BizTalk Server 2006 R2
  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2005
  • Microsoft .NET development techniques, including the development of ASP.NET Web services and .NET Framework components
What's New

This is the first full release of the Microsoft ESB Guidance. Compared to the latest community technical preview release, this release contains the following new features:

  • New ESB Web services, including the Itinerary and Resolver services
  • New samples that demonstrate itinerary processing, UDDI service integration, and the BizTalk Operations and Resolver services; the ESB Management Portal, and an implementation of the Scatter/Gather pattern for Web services
  • New core features, such as itinerary processing, centralized event logging, the Exception Management Framework; it also introduces the AmberPoint Embedded Nano Agent for BizTalk Server and the SOA Software Management Point for BizTalk Server.

Here's the link to the article: Click here

To download the document for offline reading: Click here

~ Robert Shelton

Technorati Tags: BizTalk,How to