CORRECTION: The ASP.NET Futures DOES have a Go Live license

Well, the internal conversation that lead me to this post continued while I was on vacation.  It turns out that the license you agree to when you install the ASP.NET Futures does have the Go Live text.  However, the team asked me to remind people that the "release includes early experimental versions of features currently being considered for future versions of ASP.NET and the .NET Framework."  What does that mean?  It means use them at your own risk.  There is no guarantee that what's in the Futures release makes it into an official release.  What does Go Live mean?  Many people assume that Go Live = supported.  Not so.  Go Live is meant to allow those who want to assume the risk the opportunity to use pre-release software in production.  There is no support for the ASP.NET Futures other than the forums.
