Microsoft Security Summit East 2006

Policy, Process, and Technology

September 27-28, 2006

Washington DC

On behalf of Microsoft Public Sector, we are pleased to invite you to the 11th Microsoft Security Summit, “Policy, Process, and Technology on September 27th and 28th at the Washington Grand Hyatt in Washington DC.

Our goal is to continue to provide technical content and best practices to assist organizations in improving their overall security posture.

Come learn how you can achieve maximum value from Microsoft’s wide range of technologies and capabilities. 


Registration is now open, please visit: to register.
Please note, space is limited so be sure to register early.

For travel purposes, please plan on arriving into Washington DC on Tuesday, September 26, 2006 and departing after 5pm on Thursday, September 28, 2006.

Thanks you for your consideration. We look forward to seeing you in DC!
