.NET Naming Guidelines for Developers

 A friend of mine, who I sent some sample code to, noticed that I wasn't following Microsoft Guidelines for variable/class/etc. naming.  After spending sometime trying in vain to convince him that I was following a "new top secret" .NET 3.0 BETA naming convention that only I was privy to, which he wasn't buying, I finally "fessed up".  I hadn't been following the rules and promised to look at the Naming Guidelines as prescribed by the .NET Framework guys.

So, for those of you who are like me and have been free-styling on your variable/class naming but were curious as to what Microsoft suggest the guidance should be, check out the following link:

Link to Naming Guidelines


Happy coding,


~ Robert Shelton


Quick links to parts of the document:


Capitalization Styles

Describes the Pascal case, camel case, and uppercase capitalization styles to use to name identifiers in class libraries.

Case Sensitivity

Describes the case sensitivity guidelines to follow when naming identifiers in class libraries.


Describes the guidelines for using abbreviations in type names.

Word Choice

Lists the keywords to avoid using in type names.

Avoiding Type Name Confusion

Describes how to avoid using language-specific terminology in order to avoid type name confusion.

Namespace Naming Guidelines

Describes the guidelines to follow when naming namespaces.

Class Naming Guidelines

Describes the guidelines to follow when naming classes.

Interface Naming Guidelines

Describes the guidelines to follow when naming interfaces.

Attribute Naming Guidelines

Describes the correct way to name an attribute using the Attribute suffix.

Enumeration Type Naming Guidelines

Describes the guidelines to follow when naming enumerations.

Static Field Naming Guidelines

Describes the guidelines to follow when naming static fields.

Parameter Naming Guidelines

Describes the guidelines to follow when naming parameters.

Method Naming Guidelines

Describes the guidelines to follow when naming methods.

Property Naming Guidelines

Describes the guidelines to follow when naming properties.

Event Naming Guidelines

Describes the guidelines to follow when naming events.