A great tool for building Code Snippets (no more marking up XML)

For those of us who have fallen in love with the new "Code Snippets" feature of Visual Studio 2005, but really wish there was some way other than marking up XML to build them, check out the "Snippy" tool.  It is a simple yet elegant UI tool for building all of the snippet types (i.e. Expansions, Surrounds With, and Refactoring).  It supports C#, J#, VB.NET and XML Snippets within the same interface.  The best part about it, is that it is FREE.  You can download it from the Community Web Site www.gotdotnet.com, the direct URL is: https://www.gotdotnet.com/codegallery/codegallery.aspx?id=b0813ae7-466a-43c2-b2ad-f87e4ee6bc39.

For those who don’t know what “Code Snippets” are, please check out: https://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms165394.aspx., which describes Code Snippets and how to build them in XML.  I recommend building at least one by hand (The “Hello World” example), to understand how they work, but then switch to the Snippy tool.  It will save you a lot of time.  You can also find a short (7 minute) Screen Cast on building them here: https://channel9.msdn.com/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=111660#111660.

~ Robert Shelton