Code Snippets a great new feature in the VS2005 IDE

Are you a developer who writes the same code blocks over and over again and wishes that there was a faster way to insert the code blocks into your code within the Visual Studio IDE?  Or are you a Lead Developer who wants to make it easier for the developers on your team to have the same structure to commonly used code blocks?


Well, in Visual Studio 2005 there is a GREAT new feature called 'Code Snippets.'  The Code Snippets feature allows you to pre-create code block structures and implement them within your code like a macro, but with several features that macros don’t provide.  One of which is to vary portions of the code block, so that developers can easily change things like: The type of the variable, variable names, etc. to fit the specifics of their code while adhering to the overall structure of the code snippet.


It’s a hard feature to describe, but it is much easier to understand if you see it in action.  Check out this screencast for a great demonstration: Click HERE.  After seeing this feature, you're going to want to use it, but wish that there were more code snippets that you could just download.  Well, there’s a great site which has a lot of them that you can download for free, called “GotCodeSnippets.NET”.  Click HERE to see the site, and start downloading some of these great snippets!


- Robert


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