Caveat Emptor:FS9 port-overs may reduce your simming experience, Part II

I want to clarify my previous post on FS9 port-overs.

Let me start by saying my blog posts are my opinion and not the Studio's or MS's. As are my posts here. Can we not try to conflate my comments into WW3?

Let me restate where the issue is:

1)FSX content - not a problem.

2)FS9 content that
   a)works in FSX (SP2) - not a problem.

3)FS9 content that
   a) is labeled as such - not a problem

4)FS99 content that:
   a)is labeled as FSX
   b)does not work in FSX
   c)has no content or marketing blurb update.

It is the narrrowly defined case 4 that I am talking to. I am most decidedly not talking to content prior to SP2 and am specifically referring to content that has not adjusted since Acceleration/SP2. It is 7 months since Acceleration and 5 since SP2. That is plenty of time to at least re-label content or make a patch or whatever.

I hope that clarifies for any 3rd party developers who read my comments as talking to them when they are not in case 4, and I apologize if by me not being crystal clear they felt unfairly singled out.