Motley says: "Where has James been hiding?"

Motley: Where has that lazy piece of work, James, been hiding?


Maven: I was just wondering that myself. I have not seen him in a few weeks. Let me check his Facebook page - that should clue us in.


Motley: It figures that he would update Facebook before talking to us. What is this world coming to?


Maven: It is an electronic universe, Mot. Ah, yes, says here James went on vacation for a while and then did a Mission trip to New Orleans to help rebuild after Hurricane Katrina. Sounds like he has been too busy to talk to us! He's also got quite a few updates in Facebook around summer stuff that has taken him away from the computer and friends.


Motley: He's just lazy. That's what I think.


Maven: Give him a break. I'm sure he'll be back shortly. Hmmmm… here is an interesting update. He wrote an article for the Shaping Software ( blog on Lessons Learned in Software ( Looks like it might be an interesting read. I bet he summarizes a few key points from interactions with us! I have to surf over and give it a read.


Motley: I've got better things to do, like clean my ears.



James' Pointer:  Sorry I haven't been around much lately. Life has been busy, as Maven eludes to. Between work and home life I haven't had much time to breathe. Check out the article above for some of my recent writing, on J.D. Meier's most excellent blog (


Stay tuned for more upcoming adventures with Maven and Motley.