Developer Support

Advocacy and Innovation

SQL Server Objects as Software Artifacts

This post is provided by Premier Field Engineer JJ Jacob who takes a look at the benefits of SQL Server Objects as software artifacts.A recent customer engagement revealed several pain-points.  One of them is the issue of not being able to pinpoint the exact database schema the development team delivered to the production team. The issue ...

Setting up a Spectator View Rig for the HoloLens

This post is provided by App Dev Manager Richard Newell who shares his experience building a spectator view rig for HoloLens. We have been developing holographic apps for several clients and needed a way to allow participants to see what I was viewing using my HoloLens. Microsoft created a hack a few years ago and created a spectators view...

Remote debugging Azure App Services

This post is provided by App Dev Managers Chris Westbrook and Susan Leighton who walk us through remote debugging a web application deployed as an Azure App Service. In this post, we're going to look at debugging web apps deployed to an Azure App Service. Customers are sometimes apprehensive about using cloud PaaS services, based upon ...

.NET Core 2.1 Update strategy

This post is provided by App Dev Manager Anant Dimri who shares some helpful Q/A around .NET Core patching strategy.We know that we can create two types of deployments for .NET Core applications:In a package, you can have .NET core runtime dlls as well as your or 3rd party dlls that you have referenced. When planning for a patching strategy ...

TFS 2018–XAML is back?!

In this post, Premier Developer Consultant Derrick Cawthon weighs in on one of the latest announcements that TFS 2018 will include XAML builds. Starting in TFS 2017 it was announced that XAML builds were being deprecated. No big surprise to anyone paying attention as they are an older build system which had to go at some point. However this ...

Proactively Plan for your Critical Event in Azure with Enhanced Support and Engineering Services

In this post, Principal Consultant Jon Guerin lays out the benefits of Azure Event Management (AEM) and how to get started with the program.Deploying an application to Azure in support of a high-profile business event can have many advantages. But failing to assess up front potential gaps that could negatively affect performance and ...