ClrUnit: Unit Testing Framework with VS Integration inspired by JUnit

From John Lewicki  comes a new Unit Testing framework for VS integrated as a VSIP package.  In his words:

  • Load your unit tests automatically after every build
  • Double click navigation to source files for test fixtures and test cases (for languages that support the VS CodeModel).
  • Run or debug your test within a single instance of Visual Studio.
  • Double-click navigation to source files from errors and test failures.
  • Define groups for your tests, to enable flexible test configurations    
  • Test fixtures and test cases can be declared to require their own application domain, with their own configuration file.

This is the first beta release.  Bug fixes and improved documentation will follow.

I'll remind users that if you have problems with this (or any of the tools we list here) you should file bugs against the workspace or tool owner so you can be sure they see your feedback. This is really only a listing. :-)

- Josh