PowerShell Team

Automating the world one-liner at a time…

Get closure with GetNewClosure

Have you ever created scriptblocks on the fly, say in a foreach loop, and they totally mess up because they all have the same value? This is something sort of advanced, and typically used when you’re proxying an object. The most basic example would be, taken from (http://www.powershellcommunity.org/Forums/tabid/54/aff/1/aft/2506/afv/topic/...

Tied Variables in PowerShell

With Add-Type and $executioncontext you can add special varibles that have tied values. I made $random, and $now add-type @"using System;using System.Management.Automation;public class RandomVariable : PSVariable{Random r;public RandomVariable ()  : base("Random", 0, ScopedItemOptions.ReadOnly | ScopedItemOptions.AllScope)  {r = new...

Casting a scriptblock to an arbitrary delegate signature

Arild asked the following in http://arildf.spaces.msn.com/blog/cns!E99F8B43533149B0!140.entry?_c%3dBlogPart : PSMDTAG:FAQ: Delegates - how to cast a scriptblock to an arbitrary delegate signature? ANSWER - You can't in V1.0. In version 1.0 Windows PowerShell only supports casting scriptblocks to delegates with the ...