PowerShell Team

Automating the world one-liner at a time…

Cmdlet Help Editor is now released on CodePlex

I published the source code for the Cmdlet Help Editor on CodePlex here: http://cmdlethelpeditor.codeplex.com/ . Please feel free to contribute. for more information on the Cmdlet Help Editor, please check out the following post: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/powershell/archive/2007/09/01/new-and-improved-cmdlet-help-editor-tool.aspx  ...

How can a script tell what directory it was run from?

PSMDTAG:FAQ: How can a script determine what directory it was invoked from?PSMDTAG:FAQ: What is $MyInvocation?PSMDTAG:FAQ: Why is $MyInvocation.ScriptName empty? Create 2 scripts (First.PS1 and Second.PS1) to explore what is going on with $MyInvocation and how you can use it to determine what directory a script was invoked from: PS> cat ...

Working with Sort-Object Cmdlet

In this blog I will try to explain different features of sort-object(Sort) cmdlet. For the purpose of this blog, I assume the following objects exist:   MSH C:\temp\monad> $a,$b,$c,$d                           &...