PowerShell Team

Automating the world one-liner at a time…


<Edited 7/2/2006 with tags and categories>PSMDTAG:FAQ: What is $ErrorView?PSMDTAG:FAQ: How do I get error details? Have you tried out $ErrorView="CategoryView" yet?  Remember -  errors are just objects.  Given that they are objects, we render a subset of their properties to the console.  We provide 2 views: ...

Exposing the Power of .NET in a Admin-friendly way

One of our primary goals for Monad was to:  "Expose the power of .NET in an Admin-friendly way".  The challenges of systems administration are large and growing at the same time organizations are under ever more pressure to reduce costs and do more with less.  That was true 10 years ago, it is true now, it will be true 10 years...

Why did you do that? $VAR/ {} / Weak Intellisense

I strongly encourage people to let us know where we could be doing better and to let us know if we are getting into the weeds.  I believe that being open to such bad news is core to the the virtuous cycle of self improvement so such feedback provides opportunities to reflect and make changes when appropriate.  Other ...

Base64 Encode/Decode a string

Today I came across http://scripts.readify.net/  . This sight is focused on Monad and MSH and is starting a collection of scripts at: http://scripts.readify.net/Scripts.aspx .  You should visit their site and let them know what type of scripts would be useful to you.  I particularly liked their entry on how to Base64 ...