PowerShell Team

Automating the world one-liner at a time…

Duplicate Files

Need a way to check if two files are the same?  Calculate a hash of the files.  Here is one way to do it:   ## Calculates the hash of a file and returns it as a string. function Get-MD5([System.IO.FileInfo] $file = $(throw 'Usage: Get-MD5 [System.IO.FileInfo]')) {   $stream = $null;   $cryptoServiceProvider = [...

Adding Notes

  A while back I mentioned that there was a way of adding notes to objects in the shell. Here is one way to do it: ## Adds a note to the pipeline input. filter AddNote([string] $name, $value) { $mshObj = [System.Management.Automation.MshObject] $_; $note = new-object System.Management.AUtomation.MshNoteProperty $name, $value $mshObj....

MshObject and Methods that take object

Every once in a while people ( including me) run into trouble calling methods that take object.  Why?  Well, as I told you earlier objects in MSH are wrapped by an invisible MshObject.  As it turns out that this invisible object is not always so invisible.  Take a look at the following:   MSH>$key = get-item . ...

Support for Existing apps in Monad

Monad provides strong support for existing apps and technology.  If you use native cmdline exes, vbscripts, batch files, perl scripts etc to manage and maintain windows, you can pretty much use them the same way from monad as you would from cmd.exe.   For example, I am used to findstr.exe and xcopy.exe. I can use them from monad ...

Did you know? #4

Did you know that you can access most of the Cmdlet base class APIs through script using the $executioncontext variable? -Jeff Jones...

Did you know? #3

Did you know that you can put constraints on variables using the same attributes as cmdlet parameters?Unfortunately we had to postpone the language support for this but you can still do it using new-object.MSH > $a = "foo"MSH > $varA = get-variable aMSH > $varAName           &...

Did you know? #1

Did you know that you can access the content of a provider using the variable syntax? For instance, you can get and set the contents of a file just by doing the following:MSH > ${c:\temp\foo.txt} = "bar"MSH > ${c:\temp\foo.txt}barMSH > Note, the default encoding is used when setting the content in the filesystem in this way. Any ...

Did you know? #2

Did you know that you can make a variable automatically propagate to new scopes by using the AllScope option? Normally when you enter a new scope variables are not copied from the parent scope. Instead we do a lookup for the variable when requested. Anytime the variable is written to it happens in the local scope. This means that it is ...

Introduction to MshObject

If you’ve ever worked with the Monad APIs then you’ve no doubt seen a type called System.Management.Automation.MshObject.  I’m not going to go into all the details of what it is because that would take me more time than I have right now and there are people who can explain better than I.  Suffice it to say that it’s a ...

Windows PowerShell (Monad) Has Arrived

I just got out of Bob Muglia's keynote speech where he formally announced Windows PowerShell (previously known as Monad).  The key things he announced are: Superstar Vivek Sharma demonstrated the Exchange 2007 Admin experience. First he showed their new MMC 3.0 managed code snap-in - it totally rocks! (you'll be amazed by what you can ...