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Speaking at TechEd Developers 2007

Again this year, I'll be presenting at TechEd Developers in Barcelona next month. This year, I'll be doing both a general session on mocks, as well an interactive session on TDD. You can read more on these sessions by using the conference's Session Search tool and selecting my name (Mark Seemann) in the Speakers dropdown (it would be easier if there was a direct link to each session, but it doesn't seem like this is the case).

In the general session, I'll be talking about manual and dynamic mocks. If that sounds familiar, it's closely related to my latest MSDN Magazine article. However, I don't intend to simply rehash the material of the article - instead, I plan to drill deeper into the subject of mocks and look at different approaches, so the session will include mostly new content.

Since the chalc talk is an interactive session, I can't really say a lot about what's going to happen, since that will depend on the audience, but I'm sure I'll get some good questions, and I may get to know some intelligent and skilled people along the way.

If you are at TechEd, I hope you'll find it worthwhile to stop by at one of my sessions, or that you'd at least stop me and say hello if you meet me somewhere else at the conference.