User Experience Introduction


Hello.  My name is Ali Vassigh and I manage Surface's User Experience team.   My team of designers and writers are responsible for defining and creating your experience with all the aspects of Surface  you can see, hear, touch, and generally interact with as a consumer.   From the physical form and materials to the digital user interface, we're taking advantage of all the technical wonders and pushing it even further to ensure new higher standards for ease-of-use, delight, and wow.


Like all members of the team, we're happy Surface has been publicly announced and we can finally talk about it with our family, friends, and you.  It is truly exciting to be here at the beginning working on the next revolutionary interaction paradigm, but it's not just demos and concepts; MS Surface is a real product that's part of a real product development process with deadlines, constraints, and plenty of challenges (not all of them technical :-).  


I'll post often to talk about the cool and unique things you'll see and do when using Surface, some of our design challenges, and to address various questions and comments posted by you or floating out there in the blogosphere.  On occasion, I'll interview various members of the team so you can hear from different perspectives and get the inside scoop directly from the hands-on experts.


 Stay tuned,
