Using PAS Views in PerformancePoint Monitoring Dashboards

Creating the Dashboard View

In v1, ProClarity Analytic Server views can be easily included in your dashboards and the dashboard filters can be linked to those ProClarity Analytic Server views.

First, you need to create and publish the ProClarity Analytic Server (PAS) views to your PAS server. Once you have this completed, you can create a new report view in the dashboard designer to reference this view.

In the report view properties, you will enter the following information:

· Server URL -  this is the URL to the PAS server, typically of the form


· Page - click the Browse, button to browse for the page on the PAS server


· Configuration Options - allow for controlling the options users have with the view


You cannot preview the view in the designer, to ensure the view is being incorporated correctly you will need to include the view in a dashboard page and then preview the dashboard or deploy the dashboard to SharePoint.


Please keep in mind that PAS views will be rendered using the NT credentials of the user opening the dashboard page in SharePoint - these views DO NOT follow the Application Security model that the Analytic Charts and Grids native to PerformancePoint Monitoring follow. This will require Kerberos and Constrained Delegation to be configured if PAS is not on the same server as PerformancePoint Monitoring.

Linking Dashboard Filters to the View

The PerformancePoint Monitoring Filters can also be linked to the PAS views - both single select and multi-select filters can be used. To map the filters, drag the MemberUniqueName property of the filter to the PAS view and create the link as shown below:


For the Dashboard item endpoint select "Parameters", this is the only selection available.

For the Source value, ensure that the Member UniqueName is selected.

The dashboard filters will be successfully applied as long as the following conditions are met:

1. The hierarchy used in the dashboard filter must also exist in the cube that the PAS view is being rendered from.  Without an exact match in hierarchies, the filters will not pass through successfully.

2. If the hierarchy in questions is shown on the rows of the PAS view, then the selected dashboard filter member(s) will be displayed on the rows.  Same for columns.  If the hierarchy in question is a not displayed on rows/columns, the dashboard filter will act as a filter on the PAS view.

Once the filters are connected and the dashboard is deployed, the dashboard filters will be passed to the PAS views.

Alyson Powell Erwin