An initialization pattern to avoid problems calling virtual method in constructor

You are not supposed to call virtual methods in a constructor. The reason being that at the point you call a virtual method in the base class, the derived class has not been initialized. For example,

     class Base
        public Base(int input)
        public virtual void VirtualMethod()

    class Derived : Base
        int _val;

        public Derived(int input) : base(input)
            _val = 2 * input;

        public override void VirtualMethod()
            Console.WriteLine("Value is: " + _val.ToString());
 If you create an instance of Derived likeĀ 
     Derived d = new Derived(5);

the output is not 10 as expected because the constructor of Derived has not been called yet when VirtualMethod is called in Base's constructor. The question is what if you do need to call virtual methods during object creation time. Also do we have to keep track which method is virtual when we make method calls in a constructor? A non-virtual method today may very well be changed to virtual by someone else tomorrow. One solution I found is to have a separate Initialize method to call virtual methods. For example,

     class Base
        public Base(int input)
            // Called in Intialize instead of in Constructor
            // VirtualMethod();

        public virtual void Initialize()

        public virtual void VirtualMethod()

    class Derived : Base
        int _val;

        public Derived(int input)
            : base(input)
            _val = 2 * input;

        public override void VirtualMethod()
            Console.WriteLine("Value is: " + _val.ToString());

To create a Derived instance, you need to call

     Derived d = new Derived(5);

The problem is that the caller has to remember to call Initialize after creating the object. I choose to hide the constructor and have a static factory method for clients to create objects, which guarantees that the Initialize method being called. For example,

     class Base
        protected Base(int input)
            // Called in Intialize instead of in Constructor
            // VirtualMethod();

        protected virtual void Initialize()

        public virtual void VirtualMethod()

    class Derived : Base
        int _val;

        public static Derived CreateInstance(int input)
            Derived d = new Derived(input);
            return d;

        protected Derived(int input)
            : base(input)
            _val = 2 * input;

        public override void VirtualMethod()
            Console.WriteLine("Value is: " + _val.ToString());

Creating a Derived object will be like:

     Derived d = Derived.CreateInstance(5);

I can also go a step furthur to have a rule that the constructor can only be used to initialize fields and never to make method calls. All method calls go into Initialize method. This way there is no more need to keep track whether a method is virtual or not.