The Old New Thing

Why isn't QuickEdit on by default in console windows?

In the properties of console windows, you can turn on QuickEdit mode, which allows the mouse to be used to select text without having to go explicitly into Mark mode. (In a sense, the console window is permanently in Mark mode.) Why isn't this on by default? It's so useful! Somebody thought the same thing and changed the default in one of the...

Astrologers struggling with reclassification of Pluto

One of the consequences of the demotion of Pluto from planet to dwarf planet is being felt by astrologers, who now have to decide what role the body plays in the lives of mere humans. I remember reading an article many years ago wherein the writer asked several astrologers what impact the discovery of a new planet would have on their craft ...

Making some statements and asking for advice isn't a question

This is a corollary to Don't forget to ask your question: Making some statements and asking for advice isn't a question. When we do X, and then select Y, and then click the Q button, we get an error message saying that Q can't be performed because "The computer Z that Y refers to cannot be contacted." Can you provide ...

What's the difference between EM_UNDO and WM_UNDO?

Daniel Chait wonders why we have both and . You know, I wonder the same thing. But I'm going to make an educated guess. Actually, most of what I write is just a lot of educated guessing. Like my explanation of why has such complicated rules? A guess. Why address space granularity is 64KB? A guess. Why most messages are in the system ...

The Minimalist Jukebox Festival

Last year, NPR covered The Minimalist Jukebox Festival, a week-long exploration of the school of minimalist music. The NPR story includes a clip of my favorite minimalist work: Music for 18 Musicians, as well as a telling of the classic minimalism knock-knock joke. I remember reading somewhere that the world premiere of Music for 18 ...

If control-specific messages belong to the WM_USER range, why are messages like BM_SETCHECK in the system message range?

When I discussed which message numbers belong to whom, you may have noticed that the messages for edit boxes, buttons, list boxes, combo boxes, scroll bars, and static controls go into the system range even though they are control-specific. How did those messages end up there? They didn't start out there. In 16-bit windows, these control...

Wayback machine: The Fake Job

Digging through my pile of junk, I found a reference to a fake article in The New Yorker magazine titled My Fake Job that turned out to be (partly) fake itself. Unfortunately, I missed the article the first time around so I didn't get to see what all the excitement was about, but it sure sounded like a funny article. (Fractionally more ...

Sometimes it feels like the effort isn't even appreciated

Some time ago, the application compatibility folks found a program that was corrupting the heap, and they applied a fix that worked around the specific type of corruption that the program performed. And then a bug came on that same program. It was a heap corruption failure during the program's processing of global destructors. The authors of...