The Old New Thing

It rather involved being on the other side of this airtight hatchway: Elevation to administrator

Surprisingly, it is not a security vulnerability that administrators can add other users to the Administrators group. But that doesn't stop people from claiming that it is. For example, it's not uncommon for a vulnerability report to come in with the following steps: Wow, this looks bad. An unprivileged user can elevate to administrator ...

Playing the hippie poetry game for four cents per line

The party game goes by many names. Hippie poetry, Beat poetry, Dada poetry. To play, have a group of people sit in a circle and give each person a piece of paper and writing implement. To start, each person writes a single line of poetry and hands it to the person to his or her left or right. (The direction isn't important, as long as it's ...

Japanese street fashion reaches Finland

På hemsidan av Martin Frid, en av programledarna av NHK:s japanska nyheter på svenska, hittade jag dem här fotona av japanskt gataklädemode... i Finland! (Don't worry, the web site is in English.) Nu behöver du inte resa till Japan. Om det är en positiv utveckling är jag inte helt säker på...

Why is my delay-rendered format being rendered too soon?

Here's a customer question: I've put data on the clipboard as delay-rendered, but I'm getting a request for my for many operations even though nobody actually looks at the files. Operations such as right-clicking a blank space on the desktop or opening the Edit menu. I don't want to render the data until the user hits Paste because ...

Nearly everybody has a $500 flashlight

When I described using a laptop computer as an impromptu flashlight, that triggered a lot of comments from people using their cell phone or PDA as a flashlight. One nickname I've heard for this phenomenon is "the $500 flashlight", $500 being the price of a PDA or SmartPhone at the time the term was coined. (I was amused to find that even ...

What do I do with per-user data when I uninstall?

If the user chooses to uninstall your program, what do you do with the data your program kept in , and other parts of the user profile? Should you enumerate all the profiles on the machine and clean them up? No. Let the data go. First, messing with the profiles of users that aren't logged on can result in data corruption, as we saw when we...

The code page on the server is not necessarily the code page on the client

It's not enough to choose a code page. You have to choose the right code page. We have a system that reformats and reinstalls a network client computer each time it boots up. The client connects to the server to obtain a loader program, and the loader program then connects to the server to download the actual operating system. If anything ...