The Old New Thing

The first day at Microsoft: Don't just stand there

A second installment in a very sporadic series titled The first day at Microsoft, relating stories of funny things that happened on people's first days at Microsoft. Today, we hear from Employee Y: One of the things you have to do on your first day is get your photo taken for your identification badge, and I waited in line with the ...

The importance of the FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS flag

You can use the message with the flag to indicate that the message number you passed is an error code and that the message should be looked up in the system message table. This is a specific case of the more general case where you are not in control of the message, and when you are not in control of the message, you had better pass the ...

When you compress a drive, some files are exempted, but you can force it, and then it's your problem

On the drive property sheet for an NTFS volume, there is a checkbox called "Compress drive to save disk space." If you check that box, the shell marks the drive as "compress all newly-created files" and also goes through and compresses all the existing files on the drive. Well, almost all the file. Some files are exempted by default. ...

Why are INI files deprecated in favor of the registry?

Welcome, Slashdot readers. Remember, this Web site is for entertainment purposes only. Why are INI files deprecated in favor of the registry? There were many problems with INI files. The registry tried to address these concerns. You might argue whether these were valid concerns to begin with, but the Windows NT folks sure thought ...

The forgotten common controls: The GetEffectiveClientRect function

The function is another one in the category of functions that everybody tries to pretend doesn't exist. It's not as bad as , but it's still pretty awful. The idea behind the function is that you have a frame window with a bunch of optional gadgets, such as a status bar or toolbar. The important thing is that these optional gadgets all ...

When in doubt, consult the online Magic 8 Ball

On our team's web site, buried among the other debugging documents, was a page titled simply "Magic 8 Ball"®¹. If you visited it, you got a dark blue circle with a lighter-blue triangle, on which appeared white text with a randomly-chosen message. The messages were things like It was fun to give the 8-ball a shake, but the real ...

Hidden gotcha: The command processor's AutoRun setting

If you type at a command prompt, the command processor will spit out pages upon pages of strange geeky text. I'm not sure why the command processor folks decided to write documentation this way rather than the more traditional manner of putting it into MSDN or the online help. Maybe because that way they don't have to deal with annoying ...