The Old New Thing

Why is the function SHStripMneumonic misspelled?

If you wander through MSDN, you may stumble across the function . The correct spelling is mnemonic. Why is the function name misspelled? "It was like that when I got here." The function was originally written for internal use only, and the person who wrote the function spelled the word incorrectly. Still, since it was an internal function, ...

I assume it's cracking good, though I'm not the expert

I have many friends who are enamored of all things cheese, enjoying the subtle nuttiness of a fribble-frabble cheese or the elastic grassiness of an imported Rückwärtspilzhaus. To me, on the other hand, they all just taste like cheese. My friends would probably enjoy this weekend's Seattle Cheese Festival. (Word on the street is ...

Selling your life for a quarter at a time

A year and a half ago, I stumbled across the essay Selling Your Life for a Quarter at a Time by Tim Barcz and found it quietly poignant. (Unfortunately, the spammers also found the essay and decided to fill it with garbage links. So much for poignant.) I tried to come up with a catchy tagline for this entry, but nothing worked. Coming up ...

The dead desktop computer: From good, bad, and ugly back to dead

When last we left my dead desktop computer, it had returned to the world of the living with the assistance of the onboard video adapter. The screen was fuzzy because I was running my LCD monitor through the analog VGA cable. Performing an auto-adjust helped a little but it was still blurry. Still, it was within the realm of acceptability for...

The Big Red Switch really was big and red

In this article on compatibility between the .NET Framework versions 1.1 and 2.0, there is a passing mention of a setting nicknamed the "Big Red Switch". The power switch on the original IBM PC really was big and red. Well, orange-red. Here's a picture of the power switch on an IBM PC-AT. Decide for yourself what color it is. In ...