Reminder - online training resources for partners on IO

Note - is for Gold partners only and is one of the enhanced benefits on offer to that level in the program.


"Infrastructure Optimization - Learning Path

Microsoft® and its partners are helping businesses break the reactive IT cycle and move toward a vision of self-managing, self-healing Dynamic Systems and Applications. As businesses advance their IT capabilities and achieve a sustained improvement in their IT infrastructure, they must take a long-term, strategic view of optimization and link these capability and optimization improvements to their business needs and strategy. The goal for infrastructure optimization is to help companies build the people-ready business by helping them realize the full value of their IT infrastructure to drive business results. Infrastructure optimization can help you drive sales and win more business with your customers.

Taking the classes in this learning path will help you to sell and win business using the Infrastructure Optimization model. The following three classes are designed for people in the following roles : Sales, Marketing, Technical Pre-Sales

1. Infrastructure Optimization Essentials – Online Tutorial, 1 hour
Get the information you need to take advantage of the Infrastructure Optimization (IO) customer campaigns. Take this free course today to learn more about Customer Campaigns, the components of the three IO campaigns, and strategies for success using the IO models.

2. Winning with IO – Workshop, 1 day
This one-day course provides the information that partners need to use the Infrastructure Optimization (IO) Maturity Model to accelerate the sales cycle. During this course, partners will learn to analyze a customer's IO Profiling, identify compelling opportunities based on customer situation & the profiling results, and prepare and present an IO Customer Briefing.
Click for a worldwide calendar of workshops
To order the content of this course on CD, order product # 5271 from

3. Infrastructure Optimization In-Depth – Online Tutorial, 1 hour
Get the information you need to take advantage of the Infrastructure Optimization (IO) customer campaigns. Take these free courses today to learn more about Customer Campaigns, in-depth information on the three IO campaigns, and strategies for success using the IO models. Covers Core IO, BPIO and APIO.

Resources To Help You Sell

The following resources are available to help you sell and close deals.

· IO Partner Kit – October Edition – Downloadable kit, FREE!

· How to Grow your Business through Infrastructure Optimization – Recorded Webcast – 1 hour

· Infrastructure Optimization Guidance on TechNet - Whitepapers, webcasts.

Additional Training

· BPIO Sales Readiness Workshop – 4 days (for Pre-Sales Technical roles)

· BPIO Sales Readiness Online Course – Online Tutorial – Available February 2007

To access these resources you need to have a Microsoft .NET (Windows Live) Passport that’s associated correctly in the Microsoft Partner Program (MSPP). Here’s how to associate your Microsoft .NET passport:

Go to

1. Navigate to the Partner Learning Center (PLC) Home Page.

2. Click on ASSOCIATE TO REGISTER YOUR .NET PASSPORT with your Organization.

Enroll your .NET Passport

1. Click on ENROLL NOW. It will allow you to associate your .NET Passport to your Organization's Partner Membership.

The Partner Learning Center - Personalized for You

1. If you do not have a .NET Passport, you can create one now and return to this page.

2. If you have a .NET Passport, you can associate it with your organization's membership.

Signing in with my .NET Passport

Log in with your .Net Passport and Click on the Sign In Button.

Associate as an individual

Click on ASSOCIATE AS AN INDIVIDUAL with your Organization.

Locate my organization

Locate your Organization with its Microsoft Partner Program ID.

Note: You can contact the Company Administrator for your Organization's Microsoft Partner Program ID. If you do not know who this is, please send email to for help.

Select My Organization

1.Select your Organization under the Similar Organization Found Section.


The Partner Learning Center - Your Training History

1. Enter your email address assigned to you by your company.

2. Enter your First and Last name.

Note: Email address may be different from your email associate with .Net passport. If you have problems connecting or associating with either the PLC or please send email to
