NETMF 4.3 Released

We are glad to announce today the RTM of the .NET Micro Framework version 4.3.  You can download the SDK and PK as well as the source from our Codeplex project, client_v4_3 branch, at change number 27523

Version 4.3 of the .NET Micro Framework Porting Kit provides the following new features:

  • Support for Visual Studio 2012 (including the Windows Desktop Express version)
  • Improved diagnostic information for deployment
  • Decreased Boot Time
  • All v4.2 QFEs features (e.g. WinUSB) and bug fixes (PWM enhancements, lwIP and network driver reliability improvements, Analog Output, WinUSB and latest GCC support)

You can find white papers about NET MF on the documentation page of the project.  You can find the general documentation on MSDN. The 4,3 documentation will be available shortly. PK documentation is in the distribution, under the documentation directory (you will find there also the full .chm help).

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