MVPs to Present at the Microsoft Embedded Conference in Naples

This Saturday, five MVPs will present at the Microsoft Embedded Conference in Naples, a free event focused on embedded Microsoft technologies. With session titles like, "Is My Washing Machine Flirting with my Neighbor's Water Heater?" and "Windows 8 POS API, for Developing Point of Service Systems in a Simple and Quick Way," the event is sure to be packed full of entertainment, real world applications and deep, technical knowledge that audiences have come to expect from MVPs. We'd like to wish MVPs Valter Minute, Mirco VaniniBeppe Platania, Gianni Rosa Gallina and Marco Dal Pino "buona fortuna" on their presentations!

 Is My Washing Machine Flirting with my Neighbor's Water Heater?  
 By Windows Embedded MVP Valter Minute


Internet of Things : Smart Home & Smart Factory systems (Part 1 and 2) 
By Windows Embedded MVP Mirco Vanini


 Exploring Sense 3: An Example of "Intelligent System" for Showrooms, Trade Fairs and Conferences
By Windows Embedded MVPs Beppe Platania & Gianni Rosa Gallina


 Windows 8 POS API, for Developing Point of Service Systems in a Simple and Quick Way. 
By Windows Embedded MVP Marco Dal Pino
