Welcome to our First MVP Friday Five!

Welcome to our first MVP Friday Five! Each week, we’ll be highlighting five MVP blogs that showcase some of the great tips, tricks and insights MVPs are known for—and that set them apart as community leaders.

Let us know what you think! And if you’re an MVP and would like your blog posts considered for our MVP Friday Five, please provide your URL in the comments section below.


1. How to: Why Can’t I see the Updates of Friends in the People Hub and Friend Tiles? by Windows Phone Consumer MVP, Johan van Mierlo

Johan takes you through how to change your privacy settings to allow access of your custom post on friend’s Facebook related applications on Windows Phone.


2. Wordpress on Windows Azure: Single-Site Deployment by Expression Web MVP, Morten Rand-Hendriksen

Morten takes you through a step-by-step tutorial for the process of publishing a single-site deployment of WordPress on Windows Azure.


3. Microsoft Fans Need to get Fired up and Enthusiastic by Enterprise Security MVP, Deb Shinder

Debra Littlejohn Shinder argues that it’s time for Microsoft’s fans to stop being afraid to show their enthusiasm and excitement in public.


4. Juneau That You Are On Steroids With Denali? by SQL Server MVP Neil Glenn Barbilla Gamboa

Neil shares his thoughts on how features in SQL Server Developer Tools (SSDT) Preview can potentially help address some of the concerns on SQL Server development


5. Know About WP7 Page Orientation and Supported Orientationsby Silverlight Development MVP Kunal Chowdhury

Kunal describes the root class of the Windows Phone 7 page includes two attributes called “Orientation” and “SupportedOrientations” which provide you with the option to set the orientation of your page programmatically.