Take a look at MVPs on MS News Center

by Deborah Sorenson 


Have you seen this article?



It showcases MVP Beth Melton, a Microsoft Office MacGyver. But really, it does a great job telling the story of how MVPs engage with Microsoft during the Global Summit and throughout the year—as active participants who offer hands-on, real world experience.


Beth, along with United Kingdom SharePoint MVP Spencer Harbar, shared the stage with Microsoft Business Division President Stephen Elop during his Summit keynote address, demonstrating some of their favorite Office 2010 features.


While that was an exceptional moment, it reflects the broader ways these influential customers interact with Microsoft. In conference rooms across the Redmond campus, you could find MVPs standing side-by-side with members of Microsoft product groups, taking turns demonstrating product features, sharing best practices, and asking hard questions.


These energetic conversations keep going after Summit, as MVPs continue to amplify the voice of Microsoft customers—often through the direct connections they’ve made with members of product groups.

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