MVPs Reaching New Heights and Impacting Lives!


MVP Stephen Forte loves to set himself challenges. In 2003, he took part in an expedition to climb Everest. Since then, his base camp expedition in 2008 raised over $20,000 for charity! Today, he sets off to Nepal with volunteer MVPs, who are donating their time and effort to help complete the construction of a new school and library in the remote village of Chyangba. Generous charitable donations have allowed the library to be stocked with books and the local school children to be presented with uniforms! Stephen and his volunteer MVP team have allocated ten days to finish the completion of the library.

Joining Stephen on his project  are:

Upon completion,  he hopes to create an endowment for the school and library, enabling them to have internet access. Stephen is already thinking about next year’s challenge and is raising $20,000 to help bring running water to the school.

We wish our MVPs the best of luck with the school completion!

Learn more about this charitable effort on Stephen’s blog. Donations to this great effort can be made here.

Technorati Tags: MVP Award Program,MVP Stephen Forte,MVP Richard Campbell,MVP Kathleen Dollard,MVP Maciej Pilecki

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