MVP Jumps To ASP.NET 4.0!


ASP.NET MVP José Alarcón has just released a new book entitled “Tecnologías ASP.NET 4.0 (saltando desde la version 2.0)” with Krasis Press. (Translated as “ASP.NET 4.0 Technologies - jumping from ASP.NET 2.0). The book’s main focus is AJAX applications, including all client-side data binding technologies that are introduced within the .NET 4.0 platform. Technologies such as Dynamic Data 4.0 and Query Extender controls are also covered in depth.

Microsoft will distribute several thousand copies of the book as ‘giveaways’ to its partners at local events in Spain next month. Krasis, has also released the book to read in full at However, you can read an embedded version of the book below.

Please note the book is published in Spanish and is available to purchase here

Technorati Tags: MVP Jose Alarcon,“Tecnologías ASP.NET 4.0 (saltando desde la version 2.0)”

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Tecnologías ASP.NET 4.0 (saltando desde la versión 2.0)