Belgian MVP Releases SharePoint Tool Basket on CodePlex!

Picture of SharePoint Tool Basket

MVP Stéphane Eyskens recently produced a new SharePoint project on Codeplex called “SharePoint Tool Basket”. Within two months of launch, the project has appeared in the Top 10 list of the most popular Codeplex Sharepoint projects; the tool basket is proving very popular with the SharePoint community and has already been downloaded over 5,000 times!

This project aims to re-group a number of different SharePoint tools into one single container. The tool basket offers features such as SharePoint Document Rating, Form Designer, Ajax-enabled lookup field, Content Type Explorer, Feature Explorer and Audience to Group convertor.

If you have an interest in Microsoft SharePoint, the Tool Basket is well worth investigating.

Learn more about the project and download the project bits here.

Technorati Tags: MVP Award Program,MVP Stéphane Eyskens,SharePoint Tool Basket,CodePlex