Brazilian MVP Promotes Expression and Silverlight for School!


Brazilian MVP Jamil Lopes is passionate about Silverlight and Microsoft Expression. So much so, that he was instrumental in changing the web development course from Flash to Silverlight at one of Brazil’s biggest technology schools!

Jamil is the technical adviser of MicroCamp, the biggest private technology school in Brazil. MicroCamp’s board of directors were reviewing the Return of Investment (ROI) for their web development courses recently. Jamil decided to present the benefits that Expression and Silverlight technologies would bring to the school, the students and the savings in licensing costs compared to those of Flash.

The board and school were so impressed with Jamil’s presentation, that they decided to change the scope of their web development course. Today, over 6,000 of the school’s web developers and design students are now learning to develop in Expression Studio and Silverlight!

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