French MVP Develops eFriends Social Network!


Congratulations to French MVP Michel Martin, who recently developed a new Social Network called the eFriends Network!

The eFriends Network allows its users to create groups, which can be used to share web links, podcasts, music and other media with other efriend members. The site is available in both French and in English and is aimed directly at people who want to share information on a specific interest topic. The site also provides tools for beginners to create their own blogs and/or forums.

Since its launch, the eFriends Network has been evaluated by a number of French voluntary organisations and today hosts 44 individual groups of interests.

Learn more about the EFriends Network by clicking here.


About Michel:

MVP Michel Martin has authored over 250 books and training CD ROMs! Today, Michel is passionate about the Windows operating system and his interests include Windows Vista and the forthcoming Windows 7. A complete bibliography of his books, articles, and awards can be found on his web site.

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