SharePoint for Students - Baby Steps

Attention student developers or SharePoint beginners - if you are interested in getting started developing on SharePoint but don't know where to start, this blog is for you!  Check out SP4Students and start developing today.  Next month they will even be providing you with SharePoint Baby Steps Series Video in Arabic!

Here is the index for all the SharePoint 2010 Series:

  1. First steps to enter the SharePoint World.
  2. What the hell is SharePoint?
  3. The SharePoint Wheel (English) , (Arabic)
  4. SharePoint Technologies Dependencies and Concepts
  5. Is it MOSS, WSS, SharePoint Server or Foundation ?! (English), (Arabic)
  6. SharePoint Installation.
  7. SharePoint Language and Terms

A big thank you for Mohamed Saleh from Jordan, Microsoft SharePoint Server MVP and Rand Khalaf, Microsoft Student Partner from Palestine for taking the time to provide this amazing content.