Customer Experience

I recently came across a couple of short customer experience articles (

these article is particularly timely, in a workshop with a retail bank the head of strategy was very strident in the fact that in order to compete with government banks and international banking brands they had to focus on innovation, customer experience and ensuring that they were more agile and customer focussed than anyone else out there.

Very few organisaions can ignore the growing need to focus on their customers and use the fastest growing, most effective channel (internet / extranet) in order to segment and service them.

Both documents identify the importance of retaining and customers, some interesting excepts include

· 82% of people have stopped doing business with a company due to a bad customer experience

· 55% became a customer of a company because of their reputation for great customer service

· 40% began purchasing from a competitive brand simply because of their reputation for great customer service

· 85% of consumers said they would be willing to pay more (up to 10%) over the standard price in order to ensure a superior customer experience.

What they want

What organsiations can do…

66% said improved customer service would encourage them to spend more

Make use of web analytics and tracking to identify and remember, and then offer pertinent, timely information.

61% said accessible information and availability for questions before making a purchase would encourage them to spend more

80% of people will search once they are on a site.

Use search to drive users to answers and information not links to results (try

Use of recommendations

Use of user rating

Up to date topic pages

FAQ’s rated and updated

Online chat with Lync?

Improving sales process by correctly profiling customers and placing them in the right product for their needs?

On the web you can segment your customers in ways that you never can in the physical offices.

Give the power to the business to serve up the right content to the right person.

Use analytics, integration with CRM and profiling engines.

Ensuring structured on-boarding processes are implemented?

Integrate in CRM, Workflows, publishing embargoes and Lync to provide a unified approach

Cross-selling “sticky” products?

Upsell / cross sell using recommendations / related items

Implementing attrition prediction models, backed-up with targeted retention campaigns?

Track everything! Apply analytics, keep evolving both the content and the delivery, SharePoint allows you to marry the strengths of business, designers and IT. SharePoint has deep integration into CRM, EPM, and any other TLA you’d care to mention.

In short customer experience is no just digital but online it its crucial to get it right!