Shaping up with Kinect in 14 days - Day 2

Tonight was hard! My muscles are still aching from the first workout – in fact they hurt more today than they did last night!

Still, I pushed through the pain with the hope that it would get better as each day goes on. Besides, I couldn’t disappoint you, dear reader Smile

Tonight I did three separate workouts:

  1. The “Nice & Easy” personal training program (which isn’t easy btw)
  2. Virtual Smash
  3. Cardio

Calories burned: 177
Total Calories burned since day 1: 296

A few notes:

  • I’ve resisted weighing myself so far as I don’t think it will have changed just yet, but I will add it from Day 5.
  • In addition to these workouts, I’m also trying to eat better, but I’m not ‘on a diet’ per se. I’m just trying to make the right choices where possible.
