Windows Server 2008 R2 – Developer Training Kit!

So you attended the Launch Event(s) and wanted to learn more about R2 but never knew where to start – classic predicament! Here’s your answer: We just announced two great resources for you to get started…

New R2 Learning Center


Explore this significant Windows Server release via a self-paced training course of videos and hands-on-labs with a focus on performance, web, management, and other server solution scenarios. Learn about developing applications for “many-core” scale, enable efficient “trigger-started” services, explore new Windows PowerShell features, create integrated solutions with the File Classification Infrastructure, and build Web Platform extensions.








New R2 Developer Training Kit – Learning Center Edition


Developer Training Kit.

The kit includes self-paced hands-on-lab exercises with corresponding video resources on the new Channel9 Learning Center. Topics include:

· “Many-Core” Application Scale

· VHD and Hyper-V API’s

· Designed for Efficiency

· Extreme Web Services

· The Extensible Web Platform









-Mithun Dhar

Technorati Tags: R2,Developer Training,Developer resources