UK Launch - Building Web Applications with VS2008 Source Code

Following on from the live demo, here's the demo source I used for my launch session.

Download the slides and / or demos here.

A few things to note and a few "getting it up and running tips".

  • Download the zip file (you may need to "unblock" it after download) and extract all files.
  • There is a script in the zip file that will create a database and populate it for you. Make sure you understand what it does before you run it (it was auto generated so there's a lot of superfluous stuff in there) and make sure you run it against a suitable, test database server. Just in case...
  • It should work (with suitable modification) on SQL 2000 and 2005 (and SQL Express).
  • Open the website in Visual Studio 2008
  • Add into the solution the TrafficInfo project (in folder TrafficInfo) and the ServerControls project (in folder ServerControls)
  • Add a reference to each of those projects from the website
  • Either
    • Download and install the AJAX Control Toolkit and add the AjaxControlToolkit dll to the Bin folder of the website
    • Modify ImageView.aspx to remove the register directive for the Ajax Control Toolkit and the RoundedCornersExtender in the ItemTemplate of the ListView
  • You should now be able to build
  • You will probably need to change the connection string in web.config for your database
  • The site it built to be viewed at 1024x768 resolution as that's what we project at. That means it wont look great at other resolutions, particularly because the background image is 1024x768 in size. If you want to view it at higher resolutions then you could just delete the background image (or remove the reference to it in the stylesheet).
  • I removed the photos from the site as I didn't want to re-distribute them so there are 18 (I think) copies of one of my own photos in there. Feel free to replace with photos of your choice but make sure they're the same size, my server control doesn't cope very well with different sized images IIRC.

Have fun.

Technorati Tags: demo,,visual studio