Mix08 Keynote - ScottGu on Silverlight Pt 2


Variety of controls such as Button, CheckBox etc as well as higher level controls such as slider. Also shipping the source code for these controls with an open source licence so you can take them, inspect the code, modify it, sell it etc

Also shipping today a testing framework for both Ui and non-UI as well as over 2000 tests covering the Silverlight controls.

Full templating of controls

Visual Studio designer with design, split and source view for WYSIWYG.

Announced Silverlight Tools support for Visual Studio and Expression Blend available from today.

Demo - AOL Mail Client. Current app is DHTML and AJAX offering basic capabilities but feedback focuses on performance - just make it faster. Then demo'd using Silverlight with vastly improved performance using IsolatedStorage, intelligent caching etc. Also re-skinning of the complete application with one click using the control templating support. Same ad we saw earlier embedded in the mail client. Again, looks absolutely fantastic.

Enabling scenarios not possible today - Deep Zoom (Sea Dragon technology)

Demo - Hard Rock. Sharing their collection of memorabilia. Showed a photo of the Beatles, zoomed out to see the context - a display with the suits they wore when they first got off the plane in the US - then out further to see the Hard Rock Cafe with the exhibit then out further again to see other Hard Rock Cafes. Pictures taken using standard SLR but each item is multiple photos stitched together to show incredible detail. It's also a collection of images rather than one big image so they can pivot on different axes. Will be live later this week at https://www.hardrock.com - look for the Memorabilia link. Very, very cool.

Demo - Aston Martin site. 3D model of DBS?. Can wander around the car, points of interest pointed out as you go. Colour choice is critical - can switch colours and see model re-rendered in your colour choice. Deep Zoom allows you to zoom right on on details such as leather stitching and carbon fibre detailing. Drill down onto various aspects of the car, watch a video etc. Save my configuration and share this with others including dealers. Dealership has bespoke WPF application to assist customer with configuration etc. Went on to show the possibilities of telemetry. To me though, the most impressive thing is always the soundtrack of an Aston Martin. :-)

Technorati Tags: silverlight,deep zoom,aol,hard rock,aston martin,mix08