Windows CE 5.0 - Comparing Workspaces - Part 3

In the previous installments of the Comparing Workspaces posts (here's Part 1 and Part 2) we looked at the relationship between GUIDs found in Platform Builder wizards and the SYSGENs found in platform workspace files.

Unfortunately there isn't a simple link between the GUID and the SYSGEN, the information is stored in a password protected MDB file (access database), so I've written a simple utility to bust open the MDB file and extract the relevant information.

Here's a link to the GetDBInfo application (note that this is written in Visual Studio 2005, so you will need the .NET Framework 2.0 to run the application)

The application creates an XML file that lists all components that have a valid GUID and SYSGEN, and their CEC file - here's how the application looks.


And here's how the XML looks...


The next step, is to be able to open a PB Workspace file, which contains the name of the default wizard template (Internet Appliance, Residential Gateway or whatever), and the SYSGENS currently being used in the platform - with these two pieces of information, and the XML file it should be fairly straight forward to determine the delta between the PB Workspace and the original wizard template.

- Mike