MEDC 2005 - Why Attend...

Looking at the MEDC 2005 Web Site there appear to be a number of reasons given to attend the conference… Including…

  • BillG giving the keynote ! – last years keynote transcript is here and includes links to the keynote video 
  • Be Entertained by the Blue Man Group at the delegate party

So, question, which of the above is more interesting to you, and why ?

Of course there’s also a boat load of super interesting sessions and hands on labs to attend (which is why I’m going!) – I’m not only going to present sessions and labs, but I’m also really interested in attending some of the other sessions/labs being presented at this years event – getting time to fiddle with some of the other products I don’t normally have time to play with – should be great !

MEDC 2005, it's all about the content!

– Mike