CEFileWiz - Bug found...

ok, so CEFileWiz is really useful, I'm using it all the time! - but someone has found a bug <shock, horror, probe> - I'm checking for the addition of a managed EXE, moving this to the "FILES" section, and including the appropriate SYSGEN variables to include the .NET Compact Framework - but I'd not thought about managed DLL's - so, if you're building a component from CEFileWiz, and adding a managed DLL to the project you will (for now) need to manually edit the BIB file (for the 5.0 component), or the .CEC file (for a 4.2 component) and move the DLL from MODULES to FILES.

I'm going to work on a fix to CEFileWiz once I've taken a spin through the PE format document to see how to walk the DLL format and pick up on "section 14" - hopefully it's going to be as easy as the .EXE format...

I will let you know when an update is available.

- Mike