The Web is Broken...

I spent a few minutes browsing the content on yesterday and noticed that the MSN Direct service had been updated (that's the service that provides data to "SPOT" watches) - you can now select upto two watch faces to be downloaded to your watch (which is cool).

But... How would I know that this service had been updated without visiting the web site, signing in using my passport and then checking on whether there were new services... The web site doesn't support RSS, and I didn't receive an e-mail with a notification of the update - which isn't surprising, you wouldn't expect to get an e-mail for every web page update, your inbox would be flooded very quickly.

This is an issue though, there is information out there that I'm interested in, and I want to be informed when there's something new or interesting, tripping over someone else's blog posting is one way to get the information, but it's not ideal - the same issue exists of course with files being dropped onto a server/share - how do I get notification of the change ? - Google is great at searching the web, but do I want to ping Google every day with a host of keywords to see if there's something new that I'm interested in, probably not... I'm thinking there has got to be a better way, RSS is cool, but is not exposed on all web sites...

I was thinking about writing an RSS feed tool for Windows CE devices - would it be even remotely interesting to get RSS data from a Windows CE device which contained custom status information, memory load, running processes, and any other custom data you wanted to expose from a device ?

- Mike