Visual Studio .NET 2003 - Can't add web service...

I've been working on a C# demo with Miro from the CE networking team - this is a fairly simple application that consumes a 'public' XML Web Service - We decided to consume a Weather Web Service listed on - the plan being to pull down weather for any location in the world, show current temp and a bitmap which shows 'cloudy, raining, sunny' etc... miro will hand code the entire application on stage and show how simple the process is...

I built and tested the application on my laptop, initially using the Windows CE Emulator, then transferring to a real device - the application worked very well, so I handed the sample over to Miro - Miro could run the application on his device without any problems but had problems when trying to recreate the application in Visual Studio .NET - adding a Web Reference to the application failed every time, uninstalling and reinstalling Visual Studio didn't make any difference - eventually (after a couple of days of Miro working on this) the issue turned out to be networking, too many ghosted network devices on the development PC. The following Knowledge Base article describes the issue and the resolution...

Fix – remove ghosted and unneeded adapter

C:\>set devmgr_show_nonpresent_devices=1

C:\>cd \windows\system32

C:\WINDOWS\system32>start devmgmt.msc

Error you see in VS2003:

There was an error downloading 'https://webservice.wsdl'.

The type initializer for "System.Net.Dns" threw an exception.

The type initializer for "System.Net.Sockets.Socket" threw an exception.

An operation on a socket could not be performed because the system lacked sufficient buffer space or because a queue was full

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