Rami - Adding applicaitons to the o/s image...

Hey Rami,

Thanks for the comment... There are a number of ways for you to get this working.

1. Assuming you have a built application, copy the application to your Platform Builder Build Release Folder - to find out where this is, in Platform Builder go to Build | Open Build Release Folder - copy the .EXE here - download the o/s image from Platform Builder, then select Target | Run Programs - locate your application in the list, select, and click Run - this will push the application down to the running device and execute the application.

2. // HACK - copy the application to the Oak\Files folder, and modify your project.bib file - this is perhaps the quickest way for you to integrate the application into the o/s image

3. CEC file - you are right, there is some work involved in creating a .CEC file to include an application into the final o/s image - take a look at the following sample... - C:\WINCE420\PUBLIC\SERVERS\SDK\SAMPLES\SOAP\UTILS - CEWSDLGen - this utility is designed to create WSDL/WSML files for native code XML Web Services for Windows CE .NET - I created this utility after the last Windows Embedded Devcon in Las Vegas - at that point the only way to generate WSDL/WSML files for an eMbedded Visual C++ ATL/COM object XML Web Service (hosted by the HTTPD Web Server) was to run a utility called wsdlstb_ce.exe - this is a command line utility that takes (among other things) a GUID, prog ID etc... - what are the chances of someone making a mistake when typing GUID's or ProgID's ? (pretty high actually, judging by the number of delegates that didn't complete the lab). So CEWSDLGen was born, a C# .NET Framework desktop application that created a .CEC file, WSDL, WSML, BIB, DAT, REG, and a Batch file for copying the right files to the correct place.

It should be fairly simple to modify the CEWSDLGen application (since we provide source) to create a .CEC file for any old application (or file).

Don't forget that applications or DLL's are “MODULES” and resource files such as bitmaps, audio files etc... are “FILES”

- Mike