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Free ebook: Introducing Microsoft SQL Server Code Name “Denali” (DRAFT preview)

665156.indd UPDATE: The final version of this ebook is available here. The version linked to below is out of date.

Greetings! We’re happy to announce that we’re in the process of creating a free ebook similar to Introducing Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 (which we released in 2010). Its title is currently Introducing Microsoft SQL Server Code Name “Denali,” and it will describe many of the new features and capabilities of the next version of SQL Server. This ebook, like that earlier one, is being authored by the fantastic team of Ross Mistry and Stacia Misner.

And today, to help celebrate PASS Summit 2011, please enjoy a DRAFT Preview excerpt containing two chapters: Chapter 2, “High Availability and Disaster Recovery Enhancements,” written by Ross, and Chapter 6, “Integration Services,” written by Stacia. You can download the DRAFT Preview ebook here.

Please keep in mind that this excerpt provides early content from an ebook currently in development and is still in draft, unedited format. This excerpt was written against SQL Server Code Name “Denali” Community Technology Preview 3.

By the way, here’s the outline for the full free ebook that we’ll publish in the spring:

Ross’s chapters:

PART I Database Administration

Chapter 1. Denali Editions and Enhancements

Chapter 2. High Availability and Disaster Recovery Enhancements

Chapter 3. Scalability and Performance

Chapter 4. Security Enhancements

Chapter 5. Beyond Relational

Stacia’s chapters:

PART II Business Intelligence Development

Chapter 6. Integration Services

Chapter 7. Data Quality Services

Chapter 8. Master Data Services

Chapter 9. Analysis Services

Chapter 10. PowerPivot

Chapter 11. Reporting Services