Register now: Free live Q&A session with Charles Petzold on Tuesday

Join us on April 30 at 5 pm PDT for a Microsoft Virtual Academy Live Q&A with programming legend and renowned author Charles Petzold. The focus will be on writing Windows Store apps with C#/XAML, but all of your questions are welcome! Register here. (In case you missed it, Microsoft Press recently published Charles’s Programming Windows, Sixth Edition, 15 years after the fifth edition, to address Windows 8.)

Also, Microsoft Virtual Academy will be hosting a Twitter Chat during this event, as described below by MVA’s Matt Calder:

The renowned author will be taking audience questions on camera in our studio, and you can get a place near the front of the line by tweeting your questions to us ahead of time @MSVirtAcademy #MVALive. Register for this free event to tune in and watch live, and then follow the conversation on Twitter to meet the broader MVA community and hear what they have to say. We’ll be pushing questions to Charles on camera from both Twitter and our moderated Q & A chat.

We like to keep the moderated chat focused and on topic, but we use our Twitter tab for general community chat and donnybrook. We make our Twitter feed available in the MVA event presentation because it’s a great way to share ideas and links with the other attendees, and like all events, some of the most valuable conversations can happen on the side. So if you’re looking to meet other members of our community, or even just If you can’t be there with us in real time but still have a burning question you want answered, you can jump into the conversation using hash tag #MVALive.

We hope you enjoy this event!